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Looking ahead to 2020

A letter from TessaOur Casa story is that of vision, action, failure, and determination. It’s the story of a bunch of courageous people daring to challenge the status quo and creating something new, something different, something bold. It’s our story. It’s Casa’s story.Our vision was and is still clear: we provide such an environment in…

Freedom and Discipline in Elementary

Written by Zillah de GrootWhen you observe in our classrooms, you see that we, the guides, are not controlling the children’s every move. They walk around freely and can leave the classroom without asking. Children walk to get new work, to ask their classmates for help, to have a snack, to go to outside-work or…

Our Music Teachers at Casa

“Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”― Plato, The RepublicMusic: the language of the soul. It calms us, excites us, comforts us, and encourages us.At Casa, we encourage the love of music within our children by offering them…

End of School Year Reflection

Dear colleagues, dear parents,Another school year has past. We still try our best to get everything organized in a calendar year – but we just can’t get rid of the “end of the year” feeling in July. Regardless – a moment to reflect is always healthy.We started the school year 2018/19 with much uncertainty. The…

Grade 8 Graduation 2019

It’s that time of year again: Graduation!Last Thursday evening, our TWENTY TWO graduates showcased their end of year play: Midsummer Night’s Dream.Leading up to this date, the children worked tirelessly on it and even FILMED portions of it! Now we all have an everlasting memento of these children, and they were very proud to perform…